Home renovation can be a daunting project to start without a well thought out plan. Having a list of things that you want to correct, or upgrade will keep you on track and ensure that you are on track for an incredible refurbishment.
For many people thinking of planning a home renovation, it tends to be more common to incorporate a building’s original features. Unfortunately, not all of the original characteristics of your previous can carry over without issue. As such, we here at Internorm can help prioritise what will transfer to your new build without incurring any unnecessary costs or headaches.
Keeping a concise and clear schedule should ideally include what is happening and when every day. There is an endless list of renovation tasks, although it varies depending on the nature of your project – below are a few ideas to get you on track for your home renovation path.
Outdated Properties
Deciding upon a home renovation can be hard work. Older properties, for example, are always open to a modernised option and are usually in higher demand, which can be more costly, but what if your upgrades were worth it?
To retain the character of your new home renovation project, there are certain features that you should pay attention to:
• Windows
• Floors
• Doors
• Roofs
• Original Mouldings
If you have an outdated property, it’s important to consider the following:
Repair Costs
It’s important to consider your home integrity; it could require a renewal, leading to possible degradation, dampness, warping, rotting, and eventual disrepair, leading to expensive maintenance costs on top of your current home renovation price. So, it’s important to evaluate the current building condition and see what features need improvement to prevent further damage. This will save you problems in the future and give you peace of mind once the project is completed.
Security Features
Ensuring that your home renovation has the correct security measures is vital for your safety. Check that your home security features like your doors, windows, and technical home improvements are working correctly. Otherwise, if you leave this untouched, it can lead to possible break ins, intruders or the very worst of British weather entering your property.
Having home security measures ensures total protection and safety for all homeowners that want to feel comfortable and secure in their own homes.

Thermal Performance
Poor thermal performance leads to uncomfortable, cold and hot interior temperatures, which often relies on central heating. More energy usage leads to higher energy bills. Renewing your property can offer optimised thermal performance, providing you with a comfortable interior condition without the need for your central heating – saving you money every year!
Additionally, including these features can also increase the overall value of your property, which will lead to a worthwhile investment in the long run.
Choose Your Style
Choosing the right products for your home is vital to ensure your home renovation reflects you and your personality. It’s important to keep a cool head and make sure that the products will work for you – which is why Internorm will put you at the forefront of our bespoke designs. You can have the option to style, modernise or colour co-ordinate your products to your current property so that you never have to compromise to standard colours.
Our products are made to measure, which means that you can get your home renovation fitted out perfectly to any space. We offer bespoke designs customised to create a solution ideal for you and your home renovation.
Home Renovations: Window and Door Specialists
Internorm is the industry leading manufacturer and supplier of composite windows and doors that you can mix throughout your home. Our products are available in timber aluminium, uPVC aluminium and uPVC, so whatever your situation, we can meet your needs, requirements and budget your home renovation project.
We strive in making sure that every homeowner benefits from triple glazing. When you renovate with us, you have the option to upgrade to our Passivhaus standardised triple glazed windows; the possibilities are endless!
Contact Internorm today to get a quote for your bespoke solutions, and for any further questions, speak to a friendly member of our team.
We look forward to hearing from you soon and planning your next home renovation!