Founded in 1931, Internorm products stand for highest quality individual solutions for both selfbuilds and renovations, as well as large residential projects, schools, care homes, modular builds and Passivhaus. We are proud to be Europe’s leading, award-winning window brand.

Driven by innovation, Internorm designs and manufactures all high-performance windows and doors in its three state-of-the-art facilities in Austria. Our passion for quality and performance ensures that we are committed to Continual Professional Development of professionals working within our wider industry.

We can offer three CPDs to architects and specifies, who are looking for energy-efficient windows and doors for their projects:

Leaf-shaped Para 55 home near Cheltenham by Internorm Partner Ecohaus.



To provide an update on the latest developments within the window and door industry, ensuring that buildings achieve better thermal performance, noise reduction and security.

Learning Objectives

  • Better understanding of different products on the market and how they can meet and exceed building regulations now and in the future.
  • Impact of high performance, triple glazed windows and doors on thermal efficiency, noise reduction and security.
  • How do high performance windows and doors contribute to reducing the carbon footprint and net zero?

Development outcomes

This training session is intended to improve product knowledge and create the desire to specify and install high performance, triple glazed windows and doors in all building projects. This can help create an energy efficient environment and to ensure that the latest building regulations are met now and in the future. The presentation will last for approx. 1 hour.

Passivhaus Trust/Passive House Institute endorsed CPD: WINDOWS AND DOORS FOR PASSIVHAUS – now also available as Advanced Version

The intermediate, and new advanced level, CPDs have the endorsement of the UK Passivhaus Trust, which means that Passivhaus Designers will be awarded 2x credit points from the Passive House Institute towards the renewal of their certification. The Passivhaus CPD is also endorsed by Coaction. So now there is even more reason to book this CPD.

Learning Objectives

  • Passivhaus model (How the model has evolved since early 1960s)
  • Main Passivhaus criteria relating to performance of windows (space heating demand, airtightness)
  • Present situation in UK (stock of old building – new building regulations)
  • Heat loss from windows – Understanding the Uw. Discussing about the difference between Uw and Psi opaque as quality criteria for high performing windows.
  • Main advantages of investing in a Passivhaus building/embracing Passivhaus design principles
  • Thermal comfort – temperature asymmetry & temperature stratification
  • How thermal comfort requirement affects the Uw value on Passivhaus windows.
  • Surface temperature factors. Hygiene criterion for windows. Risk indicator of mould growth. Another quality criterion for high quality windows.
  • Main pillars of a Passivhaus
  • Passivhaus suitable installation examples – minimising the installation thermal bridge heat losses /airtight installation
  • How to avoid overheating (e.g. shading, night purge ventilation)
  • Recommended Uw values for Passivhaus windows
  • Installation/Glazing edge thermal bridge effect
  • Internorm Passivhaus window systems and award-winning projects
  • Modern minimal glazing systems development

This training session is intended to:

  • Provide an in-depth presentation of qualitative parameters affecting the performance of windows suitable for Passivhaus projects.
  • Emphasise how windows affect the energy balance, thermal comfort – (winter scenario) and overheating (summer scenario). The presentation will last for approx. 1 hour.

The advanced version includes valuable UK data, developed with energy consultants Zero Energy, on the impact of the installed windows on the heating demand and resulting running costs – optimal position of installed windows, avoiding unnecessarily high thermal bridge heat loss, low surface temperatures, and potential mould growth.

Passivhaus certified home in Yorkshire by Internorm Partner Spectrum Architectural Glazing.

Internorm Resources for Architects

Whether you are an architect or engage an architect for your selfbuild or renovation project, Internorm has a wealth of easily accessible information available on the whole product range.

To organise an Internorm CPD for your practice, please call 020 8208 9991 or email We look forward to hearing from you.